i would like to use a radiator from a small car for air conditioning my house: i have a source of cold water (about 10C, i think that's about 52F). so i would like to circulate this water through the car radiator. there's a heater, which is originally placed in the air distribution system, i have in my house for heating in wintertime. i want to replace it with the car radiator to cool down the air in summer. i have no idea if this works, as i have no data of such a car radiator. has anyone done something similar, or does anyone know about the active surface of such a car radiator and the thickness of the lamella (between air and water)? or does anyone have any data of such a radiator, that help me calculate how much power i can 'destroy', depending on the airstream and temperature difference? thank's a lot!! tino ps: wonder why i ask this in a pic forum? for shure, i pic will control the whole thing! -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body