Hello Roman, > Hi Dale, maybe a variation on the TV sync-separator > circuit, using one transistor? This will detect only > the very peak of each wave, and is self adjusting. do you have (or know where to find) an squematic of this? It seems very interesting circuit. > With the simple low pass RC filter this should give > good triggering on your wave as the harmonics are > much lower in amplitude. I don't think that zero-cross > or any half voltage conversion to digital will work > as well. :o) The waveform of an electric or acoustic guitar/bass is very complex. I'm looking at a bass sample (low E, the thickest string) right now and the 2nd harmonic (3x fundamental frequency) is about 10dB above the fundamental. This is a very problem, because if the circuit locks to this frequency the PIC will think you're playing a B. The funny side of this is that it will show that the B is in tunning almost exactly when the E is in tune also. :) Best regards, Brusque ----------------------------------------------------------------- Edson Brusque C.I.Tronics Lighting Designers Ltda Research and Development Blumenau - SC - Brazil Say NO to HTML mail www.citronics.com.br ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body