source=\2002\06\18\035109a The wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from... I personally try to use all lower case for keywords, Underscores in variables, All uppercase for defines or constants. Type of variable as first part of variable name, Since labels are variable of type "address" I try to use "at" or "a" as the first letter of labels, but they also denote the start of functions or procedures so sometimes I use "f" or "p" or even "s" or "sub." Actually, when I'm writing code for someone else, I try to find out what language standards they follow. If the boss knows asm I try to get a look at his code, If he or she knows Pascal I use that style, if it's BASIC (shudder) I use that style. I even define macros to make some of the more obvious commands match the "language" I'm trying to look like. Macros are great for making code easy to understand.... if the macros make sense. And as Olin will probably say, comments are the best coding style. I don't comment every single line, but I write the program in pseudo code comments first and then "compile" each comment line into the ASM code that does what the comment says. No more than a few lines of ASM per line of comments. The tricky part is not changing the ASM code without updating the comments. I also keep a log of the design decisions at the start of the file with the date and what we were thinking at that point. --- James Newton: webmaster, former Admin #3 1-619-652-0593 phone PIC/PICList FAQ: -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.