Hello, I'm having problem writing or reading to the eeprom on my PIC16F874. I have a loop that's writing data to the eeprom and another loop later that is reading from EEPROM and comparing with other data. The strange thing here is that everything is working fine with the debugger, EEPROM is updated and readed properly. But on the PIC it seams that just the first byte is readed from EEPROM (I've been using a LED to see how far I get in the program), atleast the first one is compared properly, but not the second. Any ideas why it works with the debugger and not with the PIC? Common things to do wrong? I've been using the EEPROM read/write code from Microchip. Thanks a lot in advance! Andreas -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.