>He would get "preferential > pricing". I'm > not sure how many I could sell elsewhere a year, 200 @ $100 markup ? > > A rough guess (detailed guess TBD very soon) is 3 weeks for the > electronics design / pcb layout work to get to finished > prototype, then DOUBLE IT. Always double your initial estimate of engineering time. > whatever additional time for things like coming up with an enclosure, > FCC issues, manual, etc. ADD ANOTHER 3 WEEKS > > I will need to buy a schematic capture & pcb layout program. Using > xcircuit and pcb on linux will be too laborious. It will probably be > the $200 version of Eagle, so $400 total. There will be ADD THE FULL COST OF THESE ITEMS. EAGLE COSTS MORE THAN THAT. Add an hour or two for billing the client, add the time you spent making the proposal, add four hours or more for ordering parts, add 5% to 10% markup on parts, add shipping on parts, and time to pay yourself to be your own accountant. Maybe you don't bill your time for accounting, billing, and ordering parts at the full rate, or maybe you do. Proposal time should be at full rate. No Joke. These suggestions are serious as a heart attack. --Lawrence -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics