Jinx, Regarding Aircraft Cruise control.... In most aircraft, when you trim things up a the required height and speed and then sit back, you can watch the aircraft slowly oscillate around your set points. The nose drops slightly and the speed slowly builds up, which causes the nose to rise, which causes the speed to slowly drop.... With much fiddling, you can usually get it stable for a while, and then as you burn fuel and the weight distribution changes it starts all over again.. In a sedate training aircraft the effect is quite minor, but in a high performance aircraft the effect is a best annoying and at worst dangerous... By nailing one of the primary variables (e.g. RPM) the effect can be entirely eliminated... hence Cruise Control. Be careful that controlling one of the secondary variables (e.g. pitch rather than RPM), you don't actually make things worse... (The nose drops slighty, the speed builds up, the revs increase, the pich increases, the speed increases further ......) ................ Zim -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics