There is an analog chip that is intended to detect reselected frequency. LM something if I recall correctly. If nobody will come with the chip name, let me know and I will check up on Monday at work. Tal > -----Original Message----- > From: pic microcontroller discussion list > [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Edson Brusque (listas) > Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 4:35 PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: [EE]: PLL > > > Hello, > > I'm looking for informations about using PLLs (Phase Locked Loops) at > low to mid frequencies (from 20Hz to 50kHz). > > I've googled the web, searched National's ANs and just can't > find how to > use a 4046 to detect a frequency like Peter L. Peres sugested in > a reply to > Dale Botkin about guitar tuners. > > Also, other examples would be very usefull, as how to filter a 30kHz > signal from a complex waveform etc. > > There's some "PLL Cookbook" on the web? Any usefull application notes? > > Thank you, > > Brusque > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Edson Brusque C.I.Tronics Lighting Designers Ltda > Research and Development Blumenau - SC - Brazil > Say NO to HTML mail > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > hint: To leave the PICList > > > -- hint: To leave the PICList