Been trying hard to squeeze my PIC boost gauge (from some months ago) into a round gauge enclosure, and that means elimination of as many external parts as possible. So I'm looking at every component and thinking of why I really need it. Converted the circuit from 10 direct-driven LED's to 12 MUX'ed LED's (3x4 config) and then this occurred to me last night... Not shown in the pic is that all LED cathodes are to the left. Also, the dashed line represents the division between the main board and the display board (yes, I need 2 round PCB's). I could possibly eliminate the driver transistors since I have extra ports to generate enough current. The reason of tying the lines together is that I can reduce the number of wires going between the main board and the display board. I think I'm not violating any PIC rules here: - I can keep the tied-together lines at the same logic-level by keeping them on the same port. - By multiplexing, only one set of 4 is on at any point in time, so I'm within the port's total max current. - Also within the chip's max current. BTW, I need the 16F872 since I need an A/D. Nothing smaller w/flash. I guess what I'm looking for is the experts' blessing on this. Is there something wrong here that I am missing? Or shall I start my PCB layout....? Thanks, -Neil. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body