I've often wondered about using a "plate" type variable capacitor as a rotary angle sensor. The problem is the low pF of the things, but you can get around this by making an oscillator using a CMOS inverter with the cap, then feed this high-freq signal into the PIC to trigger the counter in external mode. Obviously use the counter prescaler or interrupt etc to reduce the freq of the input signal and compare to the PIC clock speed. Apart from the external inverter, the system uses very low hardware or software count and should give very high resolution. :o) -Roman Jim wrote: > > "Weeelll, with 0.82 pF * (cm^2/mm) in air you > better come up with a" > > ... bridge or other means to 'self calibrate'. > > This is using a PIC - correct? > > I can envision several worakable scenarios - including > the use of multiple fingers cut or 'sandwiched' together > (fabricated) from dielectric material and in a crude > 'bridge' fashion as well. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body