An artist I know has created a sculpture consisting of a several kilometers of pink wire rolled into a giant sphere of about 90cm diameter. She wants me to make this sculpture interactive so that it makes sounds when people touch or make gestures over an aura around it. I thought it might be possible to make a hollow version of this sculpture with speakers and electronics hidden inside, and to use the two sides of the sphere like the aerials of a theremin. Theremin sounds aren't exactly what she wants - its the gestural interactivity that is the important bit.Is this likely to be possible? I don't know much about what properties aerials have to have to make them work, will any old bit of wire do the job? Will a large hemispheric tangle of copper wire with pink plastic insulation do the trick? How will the electric field around this aerial behave if so? And how difficult is it likely to be for me (someone with basic electronics experience)to build a theremin circuit.. Have also been considering hiding infrared proximity detectors under the wire and using them to trigger/ increase volume of sound stored on a chipCorder device. Any advice, links or suggestions much appreciated! I'm not an electronics expert so I'm looking for a fairly simple solution.. Sam. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.