> Following this thread's indicated that the max. impedence for reliable > operation should NOT be more than 20K. Are there any suggestions? I'd consider signal conditioning circuitry. Whenever sampling data it's a good idea to condition the signal before = entering the ADC. Use it to amplify, clean up (filter), scale and = impendace match the signal to the ADC inputs. The cheapest and simplest item is an Op-Amp (High input impedance (so = won't effect the sensor being observed) and low output impedance (so = ideal for the ADC).=20 I've used op-amps to amplify the uV signals from a K-Type thermocouple = probe before entering the ADC of a PIC. With correct gain setting of the = ADC I was able to set it up so that the 10-bit number read from the ADC = was the exact temperature. So no software scaling or look up tables = required. If you're interested in dynamic changes of the signal then you really = should think about Nyquist theory. Limit the frequency bandwidth of the = signal to 1/2 the sampling frequency, otherwise you'll get aliasing and = a host of unusual effects. (Or rather... sample at twice the maximum = frequency bandwidth of the signal of interest) Simple R/C filters will do the trick for many systems, you can set gain = and filtering with various op-amp circuits. Anything more and you should = really be using a DSP as the PIC will begin to struggle. Regards Pete -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.