This is a piece of trial ADC code from something I'm working on at the moment. It shows 0000 to 1024 on an LCD - the position of a 5k pot. I can't suggest a reason for your adresl always containing 00. Unless you've a typo that I've missed, the banking and code looks very similar bank0 macro bcf status,rp0 bcf status,rp1 bcf status,irp endm bank1 macro bsf status,rp0 bcf status,rp1 bcf status,irp endm adch0 macro bcf adcon0,chs0 bcf adcon0,chs1 bcf adcon0,chs2 endm bank1 movlw b'11111111' ;RA0 - RA7 analogue inputs movwf trisa clrf adcon0 movlw b'00000000' ;set PortA I/O to all A2D movwf adcon1 bank0 call lcd_init ;initialise LCD screen clrf adcon0 bsf adcon0,adcs1 ;select Fosc/32 @ 18.432MHz bank1 bsf adcon1,adfm ;right-justify result bank0 bsf adcon0,adon ;turn A/D on del256 ;short delay - temp adch0 ;select A/D channel 0 del256 ;short delay - temp bsf adcon0,go_done ;start conversion nop nop btfsc adcon0,go_done ;test for end of sampling goto $-1 movf adresh,w ;convert hi / lo to ASCII movwf hi bank1 movf adresl,w bank0 movwf lo call ascii16 call line1 call dig_out ;display -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See