Anyone out there know how to "properly" interface coax SPDIF to TTL? Here's what I tried: SPDIF coax input to Pulse Eng isolation txfmr. Txfmr terminated with 75 ohm resistor. Txfmr signal through 0.01 microfarad DC blocking cap, into + input of a National RS-422 receiver. - input of receiver thought 0.01 cap to ground. Now, as it happens, the TTL out from the receiver only gives a clean signal if I remove the terminating resistor. Furthermore, the open-loop signal coming from the SPDIF source is 1 V p-p, rather than the 2 V I would have expected. If I put in the 75-ohm terminator, too much power is consumed by it, and it won't trigger the receiver. Any ideas? Please let me know if you need more details! TIA! -- Rick -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See