On Sun, 9 Jun 2002 23:18:44 -0700, Thomas N wrote: >Hi Everyone, > >I am currently working on a project and now I am stuck! Please help! > >I am making a module for my robot and basically, I want to be able to = put >this module into sleep mode and wake it up through SPI protocol. Now >suppose I send a SLEEP command to the module and it goes to sleep mode. = Now >suppose the module is "sleeping". How do I wake it up through SPI = since >when it's sleeping, the SPI portion doesn't work... > You don't say which processor that you're using but are you sure your SPI is shut down during sleep? For the 16F87x series (according to DS30292B, section 12.13.1), "SSP transmit or receive in slave mode (SPI/I2C)" is one of the items listed as waking the processor from sleep. If SPI is in fact shut down on the processor that you're using, could you perhaps parallel your SPI input signal over to a port B pin?=20 An INT change (on RB0) or a port B change (on RB4 through RB7) can kick you out of sleep.=20 Regards, Bob -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu