First off, I want to point out that this is the "IEE" "Founded in 1871, IEE is the largest professional engineering society in Europe and has a worldwide membership of just under 140,000." and not the perhaps better known "IEEE" (pronounced "eye triple-e"). Agenda item #2: Gonzo Science - Electromagentic Radiation: Controversy or Conspiracy, Part 1 From: A Column by Jim Richardson and Allen Richardson Paul Brodeur, author of The Great Power-Line Cover Up, The Zapping of America and Currents of Death, came on the scene in 1968 when he revealed the negative health effects of asbestos. Brodeur's early journalistic career had revolved around exposing CIA secrets amidst the backdrop of the Cold War. In the latter part of his career he has chronicled the evidence that electromagnetic pollution can cause a number of different serious medical conditions. And in the other corner we have Robert Park of the American Physical Society, one of many prominent scientists who strongly contend that the association between power lines, magnetic fields and diseases (like cancer and leukemia) is simply fear mongering and bad science. Park's recent book, Voodoo Science , is one of many on the market that purports to distinguish between good science and flimflam. -- visit link above for more -- Jim -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See