> to any who ask, while also pointing out the range of probabilities. > There are still POSSIBLE issues from HV lines lensing hard > cosmic radiation (proved and dis-proved by various people on > an ongoing basis) One interesting effect, if true, is that HV fields are believed to affect the pineal gland (morphologically possibly the remnant of a "third eye"). The pineal gland is thought to be the body's chronometer, and the poor moo cows that keel over show signs of advanced ageing > - I purposefully don't carry my cellphone in a pocket near my heart No worries for me there - I have neither a cellphone nor a heart (go on, try and borrow money off me for a vital operation) > - I keep the transformer equipped electric bedside clock a "reasonable" > distance from my head when in bed. I do that too, and keep all screens over an arm's length away. I also try not to be surrounded by mains cabling / extension leads > Is anyone here so confident of the stupidity of the claims of > potential for damage that they disregard them completely and > take no specific action to "protect" themselves or their family > from possible consequences? With my hand over that piece of cold cold black stone where my heart should be, as the family and I sit around in our mu metal suits with the Shoplifters-R-Us aluminium underwear, watching the telly through binoculars, I can say "not we". You can't hear me of course because the gold visor is down. (Just as well, 'cos you won't hear me questioning the parentage of several English soccer players who are letting the Argentinians walk all over them - apart from Owen, who took a dive to get a penalty, and Thick, who put it away) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics