> All from me on this topic (EVEN THOUGH Russel has failed > to address two questions directed squarely at him!). I'll try to find them and give them a reasoned response. I'm skimming the vaaaast quantity of mail that is building up in a bow wave at present (PICList the most voluminous single item but only alas a small part of the whole). Maybe Jim could send the questions to me offlist - DON'T put piclist in the title line though or my filters may hide it with piclist stuff. I'm reading this while eating breakfast at 11:20 am (bacon and keyboards - nice mix :-) ) having just got to it. Life is fulllll to the banks and far beyond at present and I see no short term end. I'll happily address ANY honestly put question if I can get to it - I promise no silent running away because I think the answer is too hard or too unconvincing. (Comes perhaps from the arrogance of thinking one is always right ? :-) )(Nah). I really do FEEL that I understand the range of perspectives that have been put here (and I try to at least glance at the lessons of world history for the last 6,000 years or so where possible.) I, of course, must disagree with some opinions but partially that is because more fundamental things would need to be addressed before we could discuss on a level playing field. (eg ARE there absolutes and if so, what are they. Without absolutes every point is moot.)(Including this one :-) ). More anon. Russell -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu