> So what do you suggest? This wasn't asked of me, but here's what I suggest sounds fairer to me. Only a straw man of course. Stems partially from the self evident proposition that all men are created equal, and the second but co-equal greatest suggestion that one should love one's neighbour as one's self. * - Establish the "fair" remuneration levels in your own community. These have very largely already been set. - Find the cheapest country that you can that will make goods for you at a standard that you and your customers find acceptable. - Translate the "fair remuneration" levels into REAL TERMS in the target country - these will typically be FAR lower than the rates that you pay at present but not down to the level which you could "get away with" in that country. Setting such levels is an extremely difficult but not impossible task. You'll know well enough whether you've got it right. If your own society has an 8 or 9 or 10 hour day aim at that in the target country too. If you pay overtime or extra rate payments in your own country CONSIDER doing that too. If you don't or are not allowed to employ 8 year olds then don't employ them here either. (Do however think about the impact that this has on local incomes and wonder if you can do something about it). If you can profitably run the plant for 16 hours a day consider running two shifts and giving twice as many people a chance at equitable employment. Consider playing God and paying lower wages than above but using the excess funds to bring your costs up[ to the same level IN REAL TERMS in the target country. - Consider very very strongly NEVER paying corruption/bribes/backhanders. (This is, arguably (of course), THE greatest thing holding most poor countries in their poverty traps). Will you save money? - yes (or if you don't then you need to consider why) Will you have a vast queue of workers to choose from? (you answer that) Will they love you? (some will) Will they hate you? (some will) Will the local governments welcome you (even if you don't support corrupt practices)? Will you be competitive against your competitors who pay absolute minimum possible sweat shop rates in collusion with corrupt local governments? - No! (but when people see what you do the world MAY change faster than you may have expected)(And it may not). I could expand on this but I imagine I have provided enough material for tearing apart already. More, perhaps, anon Russell McMahon * Sources: US Constitution (with or without the 14th amendment) and the Bible -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu