source=\2002\06\05\161127a I've come to realize that democracy (one person, one vote, majority rule) is really the only form of government that exists. The key is that the members of the democracy often don't realize it. They think they are in a dictatorship or a representative democracy or whatever and so they don't enforce their right to vote. How do they get that idea? News. Media. Stories from the other town were someone who resisted got hauled off in the night, etc... If every member of any country stood up together, there would be no question that a democracy existed. But then again, maybe it is best that other forms of government are accepted. The average intelligence of the masses are far below the intelligence of the people who have found a way to convince the masses to follow them. Frequently, the leaders, despite their excesses or corruption, do a better job of running the country than the average sheep could. And even if the average sheep in your country is smarter than most, there is an inverse effect on intelligence as population increases. Anyone who has served on a committee would recognize that. I personally am very happy to have the best con-men in the business running the USA. At least the other countries won't get away with much. P.S. I would also like to complement each and every member who has participated in this discussion: Personal insults have been avoided, thanks to proper topic tagging, no one complained about the off topic discussion, and we all got to see different points of view. This is what keeps me interested in the PICList and what, in my opinion, makes it better than any other mailing list in the world. --- James Newton: webmaster, former Admin #3 1-619-652-0593 phone PIC/PICList FAQ: -- hint: To leave the PICList