Maybe some of the folk that wish to rid the world of the rich should donate half their income to poor countries. Then they can buy maize - their staple food - rather than accept donations of food from the UN. Or maybe Bill Gates can put up a M$ factory in Malawi, so that the unemployed can pack all his products that the fortunate West can but. Or maybe Northrop can build a fighter jet factory in Sudan, so that the people there will not have to sell their children into Uganda as warriors so the rest of the family can survive. Or maybe the US of A can buy half of Africa, and tax it's rich, privileged and employed US citizens to start the economies of these African countries, who can then tax their own employed citizens and buy some South Sea islands, and so on... Or maybe they that feel they - and others - have too much, can send send some this way. I'll definately will find a way to apply the generous donations to get my back washed! :-) Regards Chris Albrecht -- hint: To leave the PICList