Scott Stephens wrote: > Indeed! Piss on their backs and call it rain. Use them like toilet paper and > tell them its chocolate. "Its for your own good (I exploit you)"! "Don't > make me beat you up"! I must find the historical list of all the reasons > slavery was justified. I think you might be misguided here Scott. :o) Slavery? Really? You sound intelligent but don't see the difference between displacing people from their homes and forcing them to work for no pay with no freedom and under violent force, to paying people who were previously starving and offering them work, income, increase in social standing and the chance to climb one step further towards the wonderful standards in your own country? Sure, end the "exploitation" now, close the factories and let them go back to digging in the dirt and starving in typical subsistence fashion. So what do you suggest? Close the factories and just give them money for nothing? The sad fact is that their society is lower on the scale of economic evolution, as our societies were in their own time. The happy fact is that the influx of money into these countries ALWAYS results in an increase in local wealth and improvement in standard of living. It just doesn't happen overnight. So what is exploitation? Wages are typically lower here in Australia than in the US. If a US company offers me a job in their factory earning more money than I get now, and better working conditions, and I happily accept, you think i'm being exploited? It's the same thing. Don't blame corporate America for the fact that China is overpopulated and starving... -Roman -- hint: To leave the PICList