Jinx wrote: > > I'd cite the well-worn > examples of Nike, who it's said pay Tiger Woods (an individual) > more than their entire factory work force (many thousands) > combined, > Nike was first targeted when Michael Jordan received a $20M endorsement deal. It is useful to judge the Nike's of the world in the local terms. As third world countries industrialize the first industrial capitalization is invested in industries that require little formal skills and offer employment for many that are otherwise face starvation and unbelievable poverty. "Sweat shops" are are the first of many steps that start the process of improved living standards. It interesting that Nike moved from Korea to Indonesia. This move can be looked at as a success story, Korea has now moved to a different state of industrialization (and debt). It's people have a better education and standard of living than they had a generation ago. The failure of companies to invest at all in third world countries has much more serious consequences in human terms At the time of Michael Jordan's endorsement deal Nike had a profit margin of about 5.5%. (SEC filings) Michael Jordan's $20 million is an interesting number to be looked at closely. Assume that Nike would profit from the deal. It would take $238Million in increased sales to for the deal with Michael Jordan to break even. That number would translate into about 4000 new jobs world wide the bulk of those jobs being in third world countries. This deal is the classic definition of profit where everyone benefited. (I would not mind being Michael Jordan though) Assuming that advertising works, one percent of a advertising budget of $280 Million (1995) (Including the $20M paid to Michael Jordan) diverted to salaries in would drop sales of Nike products $470Million dollars and leave about 8000 people world wide without jobs. My morning rant. I don't own Nike stock. After running the gauntlet of protesters one time more than enough a couple years ago I decided to find out if they knew what they were talking about. Walter.. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body