A cheapskate friend of mine wants to build a shooter's chronograph. The kind that has two photoelectric gates and reads out the velocity of the projectile passing by it. He has found such a project on the web, but it uses a mess of CMOS and you read the speed on a voltmeter. I looked at it and gagged. Such a thing would be trivial with a 16F627/8 and an intelligent LCD display. I'm too busy to code it for him right away (of course he wants to build it right now). Certainly someone has done this and put together a web page. Even if it uses an expensive 16F84 :) Thanks, Bob P.S. If I ever decide to do such a thing I will post a web page, but it's way down on my list. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu