There are three main reasons one might not want to initiate a call from an ISR: 1. Interrupts are (should be) disabled for the duration of the ISR - otherwise you may interrupt your own interrupt, causing stack overflows (which the processor does NOT catch or warn you of) and you will end up delaying interrupt handling for other pending interrupts. 2. If you already are inside several nested calls then the interrupt itself uses another stack position, and any call you make after that uses another. If that function is only used inside the interrupt, then there's really no reason to make it into its own function (use a macro if you want to seperate it), if other functions depend on it then you may find yourself modifying it later - maybe making it call another function. In short, when you do this you must have a really good grasp of how deep your stack is, and how deep your calls could possibly get. 3. Many people consider it bad programming practise (ie, the interrupt is for time critical tasks and should only be disabled for the briefest time to service the pending interrupt(s)) and when you go into other processor architectures such a practice may bite you. Others reading your code may have a difficult time modifying it as normal changes (to a display routine, for instance) may abnormally affect your interrupt routine. That being said, the PIC is an exceptionally small processor with only so much speed and code space. It is not untolerably difficult to track the stack usage, and many times you'll find yourself using functions inside interrupts simply to aid in program understanding and component reusablility. The third problem above can be alleviated (if not eliminated) with good coding/commenting practises. Start each function with a description, list of inputs/outputs, ranges of inputs/outputs, what happens when it is given something it can't handle, and a list of dependancies. Be sure to clearly describe if the interrupt routine calls it. You can eliminate function calling from interrupts by using inline code, macros, or flags. A case where a function call is appropiate is display refresh. The refresh must start at even intervals or flickering will be perceived even at moderately high frequencies. I know that _you_ know all this, Andrew, but you did ask ;-) -Adam Drew Vassallo wrote: >> ok Just remember that a call from an ISR is not a good option ... > > > If you're going to make this statement, you'd better explain why it's > "not a > good option." I've been doing it for years without difficulty and it > seems > to be just as good an "option" as anything else. > > --Andrew > > _________________________________________________________________ > Join the world s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. > > > -- > hint: The PICList is archived three different > ways. See for details. > > > > > -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.