Less than 100 mA through the heart is enough to stop it. Dry skin has a resistance of several hundred K ohms, so you will need kilovolts to create that much current. Wet skin, however, has a much lower resistance, so voltages in the hundreds can do the job. Tasers and other personnel-control shocking devices are designed to be current limited to make them non-lethal. Whether you get a shock from 1 wire depends on whether the circuit has a current path through earth ground. A hand-held shock device, for example, has no ground connection, so 2 electrodes are necessary. An electric fence, on the other hand, uses an earth ground, so you can get a shock by touching only 1 wire. Regards, Doug Tal Bejerano - AMC at kooter@ZAHAV.NET.IL wrote on 5/24/02 6:01 PM: > Hi > > the *question* is in subject of this email. > are all those HV shockers can kill? > what is the maximum voltage that cant harm? > can it give an electric shock only from one ("hot") wire or must have both > HV ends? "hot" and "ground". > > > > Regards > > Tal Bejerano > AMC - ISRAEL -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.