Not a simple answer to this I am afraid; the problem with absolute positioning for mobile robots, as you have no doubt discovered in the myriad of literature out there, is that you need more than one positioning device to even out the errors one accumulates. Typically, one uses wheel encoders and some other sort of triangulation methods (IR, RF etc) on a periodic basis to correct the errors accumulated by the wheel encoder measurement (due to wheel slippage). Since you have a walking and not a rolling base, one option is to use IR triangulation. This works on the principle of three or more IR emitters (each distinct from the other say in the frequency at which they turn on and off) and a receiver that can be rotated on the base to receive these emissions. One could also use RF along the same lines and that will give you greater freedom at the cost of increased complexity. Some groups have used barcodes placed at strategic points in the environment and a scanner on the mobile base. Some others use fixed markers that emit IR at strategic locations. The key is to get multiple inputs and then use software to obtain the best estimate. Madhu > I wonder if there's anyone that have any good? ideas about small-scale > positioning? > Scenario: You have a small robot walking around finding obstacles. When you > find > these you want to store the position. > As this is just a hobby thing it can't cost too much so things like gps is > not in > question, if even applicable. > > TIA > Niklas > > -- > Niklas Lovgren -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads