For lbolly Most transmitters and receivers run all the time when turned on. The transmitter will modulate a signal when a signal is applied to its input pin, otherwise only the carrier is being generated. The first thing you have to do is disable one transmitter when its associated receiver is receiving signals. The receiver associated with the sending transsmitter will also have to be disabled, other wise it will get spurious data from its own transmitter. This is easily accomplished by tying the ground sie of the transmitter power to the collector of a 2N2222. When the transistor is low, i.e., its base low, the transsmitter if off. By using one of your spare pins to take the base high, the transistor will turn on, the collector will go to exxentially ground and the transmitter will be active. Same for the receiver. That should be your first step. I presume the data is sent by the transmitter via serout2, then received by the receiver via serin2 using "str serstring\# of bytes" to receive and store the data. In case you don't know, which you probably do, serstring must be declared as: serstring var byte(#of bytes) Sid Weaver W4EKQ -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body