I don't know anything better than C/C++ RAD for ... RAD on Wintel. Learn to use the two or three most important widgets (like canvases you can draw on and a menubar) and ignore the rest. You can use C code and even assembly with the RAD tools assuming you learn how to write call convention compliant stubs in your assembly code (with C it's just making proper header files for your code and then calling your functions from widget handlers). You can also learn TCL which you will hate because as a language it is not so great (BASIC is considered superior - hint), but it is free and runs on all major platforms and it leads to fast results. TCL is an interpreted language. Go to www.scriptics.com. TCL is very popular among script-writing people because you can write a GUI program in less than 20 lines of (barely readable) code. TCL is slow but you can call a DOS program with it. Now, for a question. I wrote a 'small tool' some time ago and it is now broken. It uses INT 0x1C (timer tick) to do some calibration. It turns out that this interrupt does not work anymore in W95. It used to work and it stopped working after a reinstall. I've stepped through the code and it does not work. There is no need to argue about it. Does anyone have a clue about where to look ? Some INI file somewhere ? (the tool works as a DOS program in a DOS window - running it in DOS mode will work but it used to run in a command window, where I want it). Peter -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body