I've been trying out a few Optrex displays given to me yesterday, and found some that are a little different http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/joecolquitt/optrex.html Marked PJAD112ZC PWB-15164C and has a single Oki M6222B interface/driver (very similar to the HD44780) date coded 8920. The knob is the contrast control The thing is, although the data sheet for the M6222B says it's capable of a 16x1 display, this 'un has 15 alphanumeric positions and 3 x 7-segment characters starting where you'd expect address 0x0f. As you can see from the picture, 0x00 to 0x0e are readily accessible, but what's the deal with the other 3 positions ? I can write to address 0x0f, but I can't make sense of whatever appears. Sometimes you get recognisable characters in 0x0f, "0x10 & 0x11", sometimes not, sometimes blank. I didn't specifically program it to display " P1" Perhaps the 15164 is a clue ? 15 ? 16 ? I could use them for just the predictable 15 characters but would like to know if those other three are in fact useable TIA (btw, before I work on an LCD I ALWAYS put a piece of acrylic over it. I dropped a screwdriver on an LCD once. Just once, never again. Homey don't play that game no more) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.