> ok.. I have a complex schematic and I want to do auto route. > I start the auto route and the process begin > the final result are too many unrouted tracks.. > my question is: > how I start a new auto route? playing with options/parameters don't give any > better results > deleting the board and start new board auto route force me to place the > component in place again. > what can I do to start auto route without all this mess? > what are the differences in the direction signs? "/ \ * . |" > if someone can explain in details I'll appreciate it. To delete an existing route, use RIPUP ALL. Autorouting in general is a complicated subject, and the Eagle manual contains a reasonable bit of information on it. You really do need to read the manual. The autorouter is not intended to be an "idiot proof" feature. If you have too many unroutable traces, then you may need to reduce the track width closer to the PC house limit and make the routing grid finer. However, you can only throw so much brute force at it before the results will taper off. In the end a good layout is the most important single factor. If you've done all the right things and it's still not routable, then consider adding a layer or two (For example, there is no point to a 3 layer board. The board house will probably use a 4 layer process and charge you accordingly anyway.). So far I've been quite impressed by the Eagle autorouter. I've gotten it to 100% route all my boards, although I had to be an active participant, especially on the a couple of the tougher ones. I also use a lot more optimization passes with parameters varying from pass to pass. Although this has nothing to do with the routability (this is determined in the first pass), it can make a large difference in the number of vias. On a recent board, the first pass created over 1000 vias although the final route ended up using only 170. You won't get these kind of results using the Eagle defaults. ***************************************************************** Embed Inc, embedded system specialists in Littleton Massachusetts (978) 742-9014, http://www.embedinc.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu