>I'm still learning how to price this stuff. A lot of what I read, say at >www.apcircuits.com for example, doesn't seem to even offer runs without the >soldermask. > >Might you have a specific example of a place that has quick turnaround time, >no silkscreen or soldermask, and is 'real cheap'? well you could try out Olimex http://www.olimex.com/pcb/ which is the PCB house promoting the contest that James has been listing in this list. He operates out of Bulgaria, and claims no import taxes into Europe or USA. I have not personally used him, but others on this list claim to have with good results. Now I know Bulgaria is not just round the corner from you, but if a few days can be used on other things while you wait, it may be worth investigating. OTOH as this seems to be your first foray into the minefield you may find that you are better off doing your first project with a PCB house that is within driving distance, so you can hop in the car and go talk face to face, or have their rep call on you. If you can build up a raport with them, you may be able to get your prototypes at a good price anyway. Best of luck whichever way you go. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics