> TPICxxxBxx B and other revised silicon versions of nearly ALL chips I've ever seen (except standard 4xxx(x) CMOS where the B means buffered - see below) have higher speed and lower noise immunity than the original chips they are supposed to improve. The reason is die shrink which causes higher speed operation and much steeper thresholds usually, and this means glitches and critical layout will kill your design. For these and other reasons I *swear* by the old 4xxx(x) (no HC no C no M no nothing) series of logic chips. You get one of those misbehave without using a nuke, tell me. Meters of unshielded clock trace routing and nothing happens. At about 5 MHz (@ 5V) these chips are deaf. Glitches ? What glitches ? So in the context of this thread I use CD4094 and external buffers (ULN... or discrete) for this. *Never* seen a problem. Sometimes I have circuits running in the same shield box as RF and power hardware at +10dBm and more, and still no problems. just thought I'd mention this ;-), Peter PS: The CD4094 is second sourced by almost everyone you'd be able to quote. Plain CD4xxx(x) chips are short circuit proof both against GND and VDD and won't kill the supply even if it's a weak battery in either case, nor will they burn if shorted (and I mean ALL outputs shorted - they get lukewarm at best). In other words, a dream. That's why they threaten to discontinue them probably. Gotta be logical, no ? Who needs such things that are undestructible and work forever ? Mo money to be made on such fabs. Kill them. Yeah. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads