Greetings, I'm new to this list and was wondering if someone could assist me in determining if I've done something "really, really, bad (tm)" to the Optrex LCD 16x2 display I'm trying to interface to a Microchip 16F876. I hooked it up according to the datasheet, and ever since the first time it has been powered on, the first line goes all black (all solid / non-blinking cursor characters). Adjusting the contrast yields a lighter/darker all black first line. The second line isn't on, ever. Any and all attempts to get it to initialize have failed. I've tried the auto-init with a delayed power-on (using a RC circuit). I've tried initialization using my own code in 4-bit mode, which I've stepped through a line at time with the ICD, and watched the pins go high/low with a voltmeter appropriately as I stepped through the code with the ICD. Everything SEEMS to be correct (as in, each line of the supplied specs for initialization is sent), but alas, I know something is wrong. The question is what? :-( Finally, I wired it up for 8-bit mode, and used Tony Nixon's '877 program, only making changes so that it used PORTC and PORTB instead of PORTD (as in, my changes were minor enough, that I'm sure it didn't affect the program's functionality) What does an Optrex display (or one with a Hitachi LCD driver) do normally when powered up? Should I expect a blank display? There is nothing on Optrex's website about this... Thanks, Ashraf Farrag -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads