> >All together now .. "tell us what you want ..... > >WHY are you trying to reclaim the silver? > >What are ALL the objectives. > >ie is it the value of the recovered silver, the desire to reuse / extend > the > >chemicals, reduction of toxicity of the fluid or some or none of these? > Well I was just trying to make the point that using copper to replace the > silver may not be the best when trying to hand on the chemicals after > reclaiming the silver, whatever the original reason for silver reclaim was. Yes. Understood. As I said, good point. I in turn was just noting that we have all largely assumed that the extracted silver was the target of the exercise when it may well not be. It MAY even be intended to extend the solution life (which is also achieved by adding the ammonium salt to "silver poisoned" solutions I understand). If regeneration of the solution was the aim then adding copper or carbon or most anything else would probably defeat the purpose. So, while silver extraction is probably the aim. 'taint necessarily so. What, then, are all the original aims? RM . -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu