Dear Jim, Is it possible to use one Shottky diode (anode connected to collector, and cathode to your circuit)? I think it have voltage drop not more then 0.35V. By the way - to eliminate Uce saturation voltage, you can change collector and emitter in your switch. Best regards, Alexander Vilson Tuesday, April 30, 2002, 10:20:16 AM, you wrote: JR> Help sought on this issue. JR> Working on a 18F252 based programmer/ICD JR> Need to switch 5V on/off from a PIC. JR> Off means Hi-Z JR> Need 50mA min though switch. JR> In the Hi-Z state the switch circuit must be able to isolate the PIC from JR> 13V that may appear on the output of the switch from other sources. JR> Use as few components as reasonable (3-4 range if possible.) JR> My idea is to use a PNP transistor wired as a Common Emitter (that is JR> Emitter to 5V.) Between this and the pic will be a base buffer resistor JR> of around 4.7k nominal. Pull the base 0.6-0.7 lower than 5V to switch 5V JR> to the collector. JR> All fine so far, this idea has been standard for years. JR> Now here's the rub. Put 13V on the collector and it will forward bias JR> the base-collector junction and the 13V will appear at the base lead (less JR> junction drop.) JR> My proposed solution is to put a 3.3V zener between the buffer resistor JR> (PIC side) and the 5V supply. The I/O pin on the PIC will be RA4 as this JR> is an OC type and will not mind the 3.3V clipping at all. JR> See JR> I know I could just use a different I/O line and use the internal diode to JR> clip the excess voltage but this does not sit easy with me. Would rather JR> use an external diode and keep the voltage on the pic I/O to less than its JR> supply, not 0.65V higher. JR> Nice in theory so far. JR> Now the questions that fill my head. JR> Firstly is it considered bad design to cause a forward bias condition in JR> the PNP transistor like this does? JR> If so why? (Pardon me if I'm in complete ignorance, I have no formal EE JR> qualifications.) JR> Could this destroy the transistor eventually? JR> Is there a better way? An NPN emitter follower would work as the 13V reverse JR> biases the base-emitter junction but I do not want the 0.65 volt drop. JR> Could compensate with a 5.6V zener on the base and wire the collector to JR> 13V but then would need a buffering stage between the base and the PIC. JR> Nice circuit (used to switch VPP on the parallax/techtools picwriter JR> and the WARP-17,BTW) but would rather keep component count down. JR> See JR> I do not have knowledge of FETs etc and maybe there is a ready made solution JR> by using a more exotic type transistor? JR> Anyone with comments? JR> Regards, JR> Jim Robertson JR> NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS JR> NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS JR> JR> JR> MPLAB compatible PIC programmers. JR> -- JR> Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! JR> email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body