On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 10:56:48PM +0400, AMIN wrote: > hello, > > I am an enngeniring student and i am new in manupulation of pic microcontroller. > is there a programme that can erase a pic when it is code protected ,i tried to search on the net but did not find any one who support the (JDM programmer ), icprog dont erase protected pics,and wher can i find a visual basic source code t deal with pics. > thank you. There are three categories: 1) OTP PICs. These are EPROM based and do not have a window on the die. Once the code protect fuses are set on this type, they cannot be reset under any normal circumstance, programmable or otherwise. 2) Windowed EPROM PICs. The code protect fuse is partially shielded under the window. So while they can be erased, it takes a significant amount of time to do so and virtually guarantees that any other EPROM locations will be completely erased before the code protect fuses is erased. 3) Flash PICs. Code protect fuses can always be erased programmatically simply by doing a Bulk Erase of the part. Hope this helps, BAJ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.