Barry Gershenfeld wrote: > It feels as though I am blazing new territory. And now that I > hear the 18F252's are only available as samples, that sounds > about right. Anyway I have made the following observations > so far, with the ICD-2. Since it's still not working, I'm > not sure if any of this would change once whatever it is, is > fixed. I don't know if that's quite true. I actually did manage to buy a few 18F252 and 18F452 chips from Pioneer-Standard (; they're sitting on the shelf, awaiting a programmer that knows how to burn them. (My main programmer is a Needham's EMP-11; it doesn't have 18F support yet, and probably won't until Needham's can actually manage to get some chips.) They seem to have gotten a few more; the Pioneer-Standard site currently lists the PIC18F252-I\SO as being in stock. Alas, that's no help if you want DIP parts. By the way, Pioneer-Standard still lists the apparently-cancelled 18F010 and 18F020, though they don't claim to have any in stock. The ICD 2 also seems to have just started shipping. I'm holding out for the version that comes bundled with a PICDEM 2 Plus (which isn't shipping yet; supposedly next month); it's only $29 more than the version without the demo board (which sells for $99 by itself), which looks like a bargain to me. It even comes with sample 18F452 and 16F877 chips. > If I disconnect the cable from the target, and try to program > the target, it programs it anyway. That is, the programming > pass is apparently write-only. So, as they say, "no errors > are possible". On the verify pass, it says the the target > doesn't match the code. That's a little closer, but it still > doesn't realize it's talking to "air". Not until it tries > to talk to the debug innards does it realize no one's there > and time out (but it does that even when hooked up.) I would > suspect it of not reading at all except that it will verify > a program that's put in without debug enabled. It's version 1.0 code. That's the way things often are. Perhaps those rough edges will be fixed in future software revisions. Ah, the dangers of being first with something new... -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads