Has anyone got anywhere with say, controlling a Table Lamp etc (with suitable interface), by saying Lamp ON, Lamp Off etc? Is this possible with a PIC? I do not expect much but just to turn something On and Off would be good! Yes - it IS possible with a PIC with a little extra hardware. I have an article from long ago using an MC6800 that achieved modest results. Entry level is to just amplify and clip the speech and look at the zero crossings. Patterns can be detected. A single opamp stage is enough (or even a single transistor may suffice). Rough and rude and not too effective. Suitable choice of command words is helpful. Immunity to other words is low. Next stage is to do a little frequency band separation before zero crossing detection. {robably high pass, low pass and a bandpass between. Probably 6 op amp sections (1 1/2 packages of eg LM324) for < $US1. I could try to find the article if nobody has any better low cost ideas. Russell McMahon -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu