~~ -----Original Message----- ~~ From: MIME :piclist@MPS-DESIGN=2ECOM=20 ~~ Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 8:04 AM ~~ To: PICLIST@MITVMA=2EMIT=2EEDU ~~ Subject: Re: [OT]: Can win95B do Firewire? Hi Group! I've seen generally good advice on this thread, but I think there should al= so=20 be a warning about WinME=2E I've sold a few hundred home PCs, and I think that EVERYONE of the ME equip= ped=20 computers came back with more or less strange problems=2E As mentioned earlier, go with Win2k or XP if you got the hardware=2E They'r= e as=20 stable as you get on a MS platform=2E Also, many people experience problems some time after a fresh install , mos= tly=20 due to a messed up registry=2E If you're using this computer mainly for wor= k=20 tasks, install/unistall as little as possible=2E Don't tweak stuff=2E The m= ore=20 'original' registry the happier PC=2E Do gaming on another PC=2E /Sluggo -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.