Bill Merson wrote: > On 4/15 I posted a question about a LED display on 16F84 portb. I > haven't seen any responses so do I assume it can't be done? I > think, but am not sure that bit masking, shifting and other methods > can do it but I am not sure. I want to display a register on an > three digit LED display using a bcd decoder and transistor digit > drivers all on portb. Bill: It sounds as though you want to connect three bcd decoders to the PIC's RB0:3 pins, then use three of the remaining Port B pins to individually enable one decoder at a time. If that's a correct interpretation of your plan, then it most certainly can be done. It shouldn't take more than about a dozen lines of assembly code to accomplish it. -Andy === Andrew Warren -- === Principal Design Engineer === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation === === Opinions expressed above do not === necessarily represent those of === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.