I made a programming error and mistakenly loaded a program (using the ICD set to debug mode) into a PIC16F871. The programmer error is that I set PORTB to output and raise pins RB6 and RB7. Now, attempts to reload (or erase) the chip fail with a "No Target" message from MPLAB. A slightly modified version of the program (that leaves RB6 and RB7 as output/low) works fine on another '871 chip. Meaning this second chip gets correctly recognized by the ICD and interacts as expected. The 'failing' chip was working fine, and still seems to run the loaded program correctly, it just seems as though the ICD doesn't recognize it. Does this sound like a "working as designed" feature of the ICD, and I should just reprogram the part in another programmer? Thanks, Kevin -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics