Imho for a 1-2m hover and slow flight you should rely on amplitude and not time to measure attitude. This assumes that the surface is very smooth and even. You would use only one transmitter in the center and four receivers in the N,S,E,W positions (not corners). The transmitter works all the time and you measure the amplitude of the four receivers. The difference in sound level gives angle directly (front/back and left/right). Sound amplitude decreases with an inverse square law with distance for this configuration but maybe you can ignore the square part if you assume that the deviation from horizontal is small most of the time. You will need to look (deeply) into control theory to avoid making a pendulum out of your vehicle. Imho maintaining horizontal flight is best handled by a pendulum type attitude sensor for your application (slow flight of short duration) (a damped pendulum hanging from a light-going potentiometer will work probably). Use critical damping on the pendulum sensor (Q=1). -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.