Well, I've finally seen the writing on the wall and decided it would be a good idea to add C to my programming skills. I've been programming in assembly for a while but don't have much experience with higher level languages, except for a single class in C in college around 11 years ago. I don't want to be tied to a specific processor based compiler so I thought it might be best to start with a "full-blown" ANSI C compiler. I am totally lost on which compiler, platform, etc to use. Back when I took my class, I had Borland Turbo C on a 386SX computer, which worked really well. The problem was that it was right about the time I switched to Windows 3.0 and the compiler didn't run very well in Windows and the programs I wrote generally wouldn't run well, either. Due to time restraints, I sort of abandoned the whole thing at the time, after my class was over. I need some advise on how to proceed now. Do I scrounge up an old computer, install DOS and use my old Turbo C just to learn? Is there a low cost (this is out of my pocket, so needs to be relatively inexpensive) compiler that will run and compile programs to run under Win2K? Is Linux a better way to go here (except then I have two learning curves as I've never used it)? Also, does anyone know of a good online "lesson plan" (you know - start with a "Hello World" program and gradually work up, adding more concepts as it goes)? There's a lot of info online, but almost too much. It's a little overwhelming so any pointers to good sites that you've seen would be appreciated. My goal is to program PICs in C as well as program the Rabbit 2000 boards that my company has started integrating into some of our products (they use Dynamic C). Ryan -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.