'Offering to put in' and 'putting in' are worlds apart. :=) Yeah. Like "Offering to put out" and "putting out" My friend is a marketer and was approached by the "inventor" for help. The money man would ante up 1/2m if my friend was no longer involved. Nothing personal, simply profits/2 is better than profits/3. Except I know the you need a marketer to get anywhere, money is not enough, so don't credit money man with too many smarts A month ago a friend in the framing/laminating caper saw an ad in the paper for a system to cut foam board that would have made it easy for her to offer a new service. She was told this was a franchise idea bought from the US that the present franchisee wanted to sell before he moved to Australia. After 3 meetings, she still hadn't seen anything of substance and was told she'd need to actually buy the system for $50k before she'd be shown the machinery (I reckon it was a jigsaw like Cutawl make or cheaper). Her last two words to this great entrepreneur were "off" and another one. Now I'm knocking up a lightweight cutter for a couple of hundred You think you've heard it all until the next time -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads