A few of you pooh-poohed the idea of patent offices approving spurious applications. I've just tested a product that was granted such a provisional patent that's a real doozy The claim by the person (an acquaintance of a friend) is that a battery charger can be connected to the output of an inverter to charge the battery that runs the inverter. You probably think what I thought, although I had the dubious benefit of this person talking technical gobbledygook for an hour explaining why he thinks it will work, and how many years he's been working on it to make it work, which includes "some alterations" made to the inverter. I volunteered to test his system, something apparently he hasn't already done !!! even though he's looking for investors Result - 6 hours to discharge a 12V marine battery with a 75W light bulb And with battery charger connected back to battery 4 hours to discharge a 12V marine battery with a 75W light bulb Just as I thought - the battery charger is merely a 25W load and contributes nothing. His claim that it will go "for months and months" is not entirely convincing ;-)) despite his excuses that such-and-such parts are prototypes that "need more work" and so on. The poor guy has got the concept of over-estimating and under-estimating as cocked up as his physics. He rambled on about magnetic fields and timing which may have some merit with regard to improving efficiency, but to present such a concoction of off-the-shelf bits and pieces as a technological breakthrough is nothing short of delusional The friend told me that someone had offered to put $500,000 in without asking for any tests. There's nowt sa queer as folk eh ? -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu