Some time ago I wrote a VB program that maybe of use to some of you. It's a calculator program that I never finished and lost the source in a HD crash. Apart from being a full function calc with 8 memories Displays the hex/bin/dec value to output to a port to light a seven seg display, any segments can be assigned to any port pin Will also work in reverse and display the output for any port value And will show you what a mult display will look like with instant recall of any digit/char (up to 16) All numbers and most alpa char can be directly entered A volt/amp/ohms/watts panel (form) is also included just enter any two and the other two are calculated. There is panel for converting port bits to hex/dec 8/16 bit It will also display resistor colour code given a resistance value, And E6/E12/E24 preferred values I specifically wrote it for programmers so it should be of use to the members. It's a 500kb exe file, I don't have a site to put it on so I need a volunteer (it IS virus free) P C -- hint: To leave the PICList