Hi PICer, Original message: [PIC]: HowTo use 74HC164 and LCD with PICBASIC After sending a couple of messages about this topic alot of replies = contain the information, that I had to search the net for examples and = datasheets. Reply-ers told me is not hard to solve this problem. Well I found an example on http://www.picbasic.co.uk/pbcsamp.htm and = with the help of Myke Predko's LCD Interfacing Reference Page at = www.myke.com I tryed to understand the code of the example and I thougth = I did, but after writing the example, compiling it and burn it into the = PIC something strange happend. The first character ("H") didnot show up = and the next character ("e") showed up on the first position followed by = the remaining characters ("llo"). The next string ("World") display in = the same way. After a while the first character was blank or a strange = symbol. I measured a couple of voltage and changed the mainpower a little up and = down. Then no blank or a strange symbols showed up, but still the first = character was missing. Hopefully you get the picture and you are able to help me out on this = one. Regards, Ray -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body