Hi, I've just hooked one of my 16F874s up to a power supply after a few months in storage and all it seems to be doing is guzzling power - my programmer reads back all 3FFF words and the power supply regulator overheats after a few seconds. If I plug the other 'F874 in, it runs fine - the programmer can see it, it reads and programs fine and the oscillator seems to work. The only thing I can think of that could cause this is a power surge when I hooked it up to a different PSU (a beefy 6A switcher), but I discounted that theory due to the 4700uF capacitor I had on the output - surely any brief transients would have been eradicated by the capacitor? The PSU had a dummy load connected to bring the current consumption up to the minimum load for the SMPS, so I doubt it has gone out of regulation. It did work (IIRC) when I put it back in the ESD-safe packaging (a plastic antistatic tube) and I've been following ESD handling precautions religiously... Anyone care to suggest a few things for me to check? The SMPS has been taken out of service as a result of the failed PIC, so I'm using an unregulated wall-wart and a 7805 (SGS Thomson) for the time being. Thanks. -- Phil. philpem@bigfoot.com http://www.philpem.btinternet.co.uk/ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu