From: "James Newton, webmaster" Subject: Re: [EE]: run bootloader from website? > Could you elaborate on that article about Javascript access to > serial ports? I also want to make sure my serial ports arn't > being diddled by a web site... Just occurred to me the consol of a NT/Win2K could be accessed that way! I should research the issue. Perhaps someone could tell me? Anyways a brief search didn't get me a fast answer, other than if you have can get access an indigenous Active-X object (perhaps a java applet or program that you've previously installed and signed/verified) which can access your ports. Windows script host apparently only allows you to enumerate network printers. Perhaps there is some sneaky way around, using a property of a system folder object, or using an Active-X app (IE, Word, et.) that can access the port? I came across the MSComm control in a google thread: 2ecf%40cpmsftngxa06&rnum=1&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3Djavascript%2Bserial% 2Bport%2Bsecurity%2Bactive-x Windowz is scary! How do you know what evil lurks in individual controls, that can be assembled by malicious 'secure' script?!?! I heard on the news Micro$oft say a few months back that 'security and privacy are the new priorities'. This makes me feel the same way I felt when Clinton said his would be the most ethical administration in history! Was it Goebels that said you must have a really big lie for it to be believed? BTW I was pleasantly surprised that M$ provided the platform SDK and documentation available on their web site (I always thought I'd half to pay their kilo-buck subscription fee). I found plasma physics a much more satisfying intellectual masochistic persuit. Don't go there. They'll only change the fashion tomorrow when the security holes are discovered and for 'job security'! All that time wasted, when I could have been playing Quake. Scott ******************************************************* Is the American Identity freedom to pursue happiness and profit from the fruit of your own labors, or a servant leased to corporations by corrupt federal government taxing you to your tolerance? The strong do as they will, the weak suffer as they must. ******************************************************* -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body