Hi all, Now that I know a few things about PIC's, I thought I'd redesign the = control circuit for my automated whirlpool tub. In a nutshell, the current = system allows me to start filling the whirlpool tub via phone control, so I = have nice hot water when I get home. (See what stressful customers can lead a person to do? :-). Currently, the system is switched on via X10, using = an X10 phone interface, and this turns on 2 valves (a dual valve from a washing machine) to start the flow of water. Shutoff is timed, but it's = not great since the timer is very innacurate, it wastes water, and it wastes hot water to the point that on occassion I do not have enough left to = get the tub warm enough. The new system will have: - 2 water level sensors -- one f/normal shutoff, other on floor f/alarm = (??) - Temp control - 2-button / 3-LED display interface to set the desired temp. - PIC timer as a last-resort shutoff. The circuit's mostly designed, but a few thoughts/questions are open = still: (1) Which (submersible) water-temp sensor do I use? Suggestions? (2) I want to isolate all 110V circuitry from the water-level sensors, = so I thought I'd run the PIC on batteries (4.5V?). I have not calculated = the power draw yet, but my guess is that it will not be good, cause I'm using relays to control the (110V) water valves. Other option is to just run the PIC off of a 5V power supply derived from the 110V line. Should I worry then about the lack of isolation? (3) I built a water-level sensor by experimenting with a transistor = switch circuit and some resistor values. Got it working, but I noticed that the dry and wet voltage levels weren't always consistent. So I thought I could add this neat feature where an A/D in the PIC would take a snapshot of the water detector voltage level at startup (which should be dry) and add a small voltage amount to that for use as the trigger-level. Should I bother? Or is there a standard = water-level circuit somewhere that would give me better consistency. (Not much luck with web-search). For simplicity, I'm avoiding using additional chips such as schmitt triggers, etc. However, space is not an issue with this circuit, and the cost difference is minimal, so I'd still = like to hear any suggestions. Here's a schematic (untested, and missing drivers for LED commons) for the interested/curious ... http://www.avn-tech.com/stuff/whirlpool_control_v2.jpg Yes, I will document/post the project (including plumbing) when all = done. Thanks much, -Neil. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads